Keycloak as a service

Keycloak as a service:
Secure login for your apps

We are your full-service partner for Keycloak as a service

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Our product for you:
Keycloak as a service

With our many years of experience, we want to work with you on a par. Our customised products help you achieve all your goals to make your organisation more secure.

Your advantages

High-availability set-up in Germany

No own time expenditure

24/7 support with SLA from our own experts

No vendor lock-in

Support with connections

billing model

intension – the experts for authentication and SSO. Your users are safe with us.

We don’t just offer you “as a service”, we offer you full service! intension – the experts for authentication and SSO Your users are safe with us.

Find the right rate

Keycloak as a Service from intension according to your individual requirements


from 400 € / month

  • Cluster setup on AWS Frankfurt
  • – Keycloack without restrictions
  • – Unlimited number of connectable applications
  • Full API access
  • Own themes

up to 1.000 user


from 750 € / month

  • Highly available with SLA
  • Dedicated cluster
  • Own extensions via artefact repository
  • Guaranteed support times
  • VPN possible
  • AWS, Azure, IONOS or ExoScale

up to 10.000 users


Price on request

  • Dedicated infrastructure
  • Cloud provisioning via SCIM
  • Grafana dashboards for monitoring the most important key figures
  • Dynamic scaling:
    Balancing peak loads
  • Forward of log and monitoring data
  • 24/7 support with SLA from our own experts

up to 10.000 users

    The specified user numbers are only to be understood as a guideline in order to be able to estimate the required performance.
    As Keycloak is an open source product, we do not charge according to the number of active or inactive users.
    In order to be able to make you the right individual offer, a short, personal exchange is all the more important.

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